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mur éveil chambre 1

Discover each of our detailed latest creations.

Our achievements

The Delaunay family wall

The Delaunay family, originally from Domme, left the countryside to settle near Paris in order to continue their professional activities. However when they find a moment, they go back to it in order to be closer to the simple things in life.

The awakening wall

Renard illustration

The mother

Justine, born in Domme in 1978, is a teacher passionate about education and sharing with young children. Her profession is a true passion. She is gentle and patient... like the fox.

biche illustration

The aunt

Aunt Giselle was born in 1968 and passed away in a mountain biking accident while hiking in Mont-Blanc. Passionate about mountain biking, she regularly participated in competitions. Giselle was a symbol of gentleness, purity, and kindness... like the deer.

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The brother

Sebastien, born in 2006 in Limoges. He loves sports, particularly basketball, and plays for a very good club where he serves as the captain. He enjoys leading and taking on responsibilities... like the rabbit.

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The grandmother

Grandma Danielle was born in 1939 in Limoges and joined the French army in 1942 as an auxiliary in London during the war, where she took care of the wounded day and night. She was a very cunning, insightful, and objective woman... like the fox.

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The brother

Brother Loïc was born in Limoges in 2011 and hates school, homework, and sports. He spends most of his time in bed, a real lazybones... like the rabbit.

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The sister

Eloise, born in 2000, went to study in Portugal to fulfill one of her biggest dreams. She loves novelty, discovering, and hates routine... like the doe.

chambre éveil 1 delaunay

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The Rodrigues family wall

The Rodrigues family, originally from Costa Brava in Spain, loves their city and especially the sea. For them, it's impossible to be happy without the warmth, the sound of the ocean, and the songs and dance. They have a small house near the sea and enjoy the beautiful weather and the beach every weekend.

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The awakening wall

The father

Dad Sergio, born in Costa Brava in 1975, is a legendary mascot at the Costa Brava carnival. It's been his job since he was 17. Sergio has loved to entertain since he was very young. He is tall, strong, and impossible to miss... like a bear.

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The sister

Sister Lou, born in 2002 in Costa Brava, is studying to be a nurse. She has always loved taking care of others. In fact, she is the one who takes care of Dad Sergio's injuries because he is very clumsy and often gets hurt at the carnival. She is affectionate, gentle... like a rabbit.

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The mother

Mom Elisa was born in Montpellier in 1978. During a holiday with her friends, she came to the Costa Brava carnival and fell in love with Dad Sergio. After that encounter, they never parted. Elisa moved to Spain and doesn't regret her choice at all. Elisa is lively, full of joy... like a narwhal.

The uncle

Uncle Paul is Dad Simon's brother. He was born in Costa Brava in 1969 and is the eldest of the siblings. He has a restaurant called "Comptoir des Mers" near the beach and is a chef. He's the best in town. We have family gatherings there every Sunday and the food is always very, very good. He is very playful and grumpy... like a whale.

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The brother

Brother Simon was born in Costa Brava in 1996. He is very handy and spends his time repairing things that get broken around the house. He is passionate about tools and is studying engineering. He genuinely loves fixing faulty software or a broken TV. He is agile, determined... like a bison.

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The aunt

Aunt Monica is Dad Sergio's older sister and was born in Costa Brava in 1970. She loves the sea and whenever she has the time, she goes to rejuvenate by the ocean. When she was younger, she was a lifeguard. In fact, she was the one who taught Lou and Simon to swim. She is quick and never gives up... like a fox.

The grandpa

Grandpa Rémi was born in 1948 in Marseille. He went to Costa Brava in Spain on vacation and decided to live there. He used to sing at the Costa Brava carnival when he was younger. He is the one who encouraged Dad Simon to join the carnival. He is kind, funny... like a seal.

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The Gervais family wall

The Gervais family, originally from Canada, is passionate about sports and competitions. The father, Alexandre, used to live in Toronto, while the mother, Emma, lived in Montreal. They both came to France to pursue their studies and have since settled in Paris, where they continue to practice several sports disciplines.

The awakening wall

Cerf illustration

The grandmother

Grandma Odette was born in 1956 in Montreal and is a great cook in Montreal. She is the executive chef at Europea restaurant in Montreal. Everyone loves her! She is generous, caring, and devoted... like the moose.

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The father

Father Alexandre was born in Toronto in 1979. He came to Paris at the age of 19 to study at HEC with his wife Emma whom he married later on. In his youth, he was twice champion of figure skating and received many accolades. He is fast, responsive... like a bear.

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The mother

Mother Emma was born in 1979 in Montreal and studied at the University of Toronto. She is now a professor of contemporary history specializing in African studies at the Sorbonne. It is her greatest achievement. She loves teaching and learning... like the fox.

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The uncle

Tonton Harry was born in 1972, he is the brother of Papa Alexandre and has been a farmer since a very young age. He has a very protective side and loves to feed and take care of the animals. He is constant, loyal, and tenacious... like the goose.

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The sister

Emma, born in 2002, is the successor of her father in Montreal. She is a silver medalist in speed skating. She is reactive, lively, and resilient... like the she-bear.

The grandfather

Papi William was born in Quebec in 1950. He worked as a laborer in a large company for over 30 years and is now retired. However, he loves to tinker around the house. He is very meticulous and a perfectionist... like the beaver.

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